Arts & Craft Newsletter - Campbell Town Tasmania - 1st Edition

Edition 1 | April 2024

From the editor:

Welcome to our first ever Art & Craft Community Newsletter specifically for Campbell Town, Ross and Surrounds (Tasmania).  I am thrilled to be instigating this as well as starting our new Campbell Town Art & Craft Group last month. It’s wonderful for me to see interest for such a gathering, and I hope that, with interest, it will continue for many years.

When my husband and I moved to Campbell Town from the Sorell area in mid 2022 I was keen to participate in and connect with local creative people, however there didn’t seem to be anything on in the area, so me being me, I started something! I used to live in Campbell Town in the early 80’s as a child before our family moved south to Hobart, so it is great to be back!

I think it is so important to have something like this available in the community for those who are that way inclined as a way to create, connect and have something to look forward to.  Plus, I’d like to help bring the community just a little closer if possible.

Going forward, this newsletter will be released on the 1st of each month and will be available directly via email (contact us to be added to the mailing list) or on my website’s blog (here).  Please send your future additions (events, groups, markets etc), with photo and all relevant details to before the end of this month to be included in the May edition. I’ve also decided to feature a ‘local artists’ section and I hope to build on this, so send in your details and please look up / follow and support our local artists if you can.

Please share with your contacts if interested, and happy creating!!

Lee-Anne Peters

Photos from 2nd April – Encaustic Art (more photos in email version)
Campbell Town Art & Craft Group (see calendar below for next sessions).


Campbell Town Art & Craft Group meet every:
1st ,2nd ,3rd Tuesday & 4th Saturday of the month.
Look out for School Holiday Child Friendly Art & Craft Sessions
Campbell Town Art & Craft Group                           
Campbell Town, Tasmania Noticeboard                      
Campbell Town Sales & Information                      
Ross Neighbourhood News                                     
Monthly Newsletter – send any articles, events, groups, photos etc for Campbell Town, Ross and Surrounds to Lee-Anne Peters




 Campbell Town, Ross & Surrounds



Lee-Anne Peters:

Ceramics, gifts, visual arts


Sherrie T Jewson:

Embroidery, visual arts




Portrait artist 



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