Arts & Craft Newsletter - Campbell Town Tasmania - December 2024

Download the .pfd version of this newsletter here
From the editor:
We’ve finally opened our doors at Harmony on High Street, Campbell Town (opp the IGA). Cory and I would like to sincerely thank all of you who have visited and supported our ‘little’ venture so far. This is just the beginning, so we will see where this journey takes us.
Our usual Campbell Town Art & Craft Group will continue to meet on the 1st,2nd,3rd Tuesday and 4th Saturday every month. We start our December meetups at Harmony on High Street (opp the IGA) from this Tues 3rd Dec.
Introducing, on a 3 x month trial, a Soft Pastel Drawing Group – every 2nd Tuesday, 1-3pm, $20. Starts on Tues 10th Dec – just show up, basic supplies provided, or BYO if you’d prefer. We’ll be working on animals to begin with, or bring your own reference. We are also offering, on a 3 x month trial, a Pencil Drawing Group – this takes place on every 3rd Tuesday of the month, from 1-3pm $20. This begins on Tues 17th Dec. You can also just show up, basic equipment is supplied, or BYO, and we’ll start by drawing Tasmanian Raptors. Beginners are welcome to both of these.
Ongoing; we’ve tables at the front of Harmony on High Street, which you are welcome to use to create, craft etc. You’ll see me there fairly frequently working on my own projects, and you’re more than welcome to pull up some table space and work on those projects, sketches, cards, crocheting etc of yours.
Cory and I trust that you find inspiration and confidence to be involved and see where this community creativity can take us as individuals, and together as a community.
With gratitude,
Lee-Anne Peters
Some photos from our Private Opening Night for Harmony on High Street – 22 Nov


FOCUS GALLERY @ Harmony on High Street
Each month we will be featuring a new exhibition and new works.
Our current exhibition: the MIDLANDS group exhibition, is on for the entire month of December. It features artwork from Tasmanians and highlights local scenes or that which inspires the artists when they think of the MIDLANDS.
Upcoming: on the 3rd of January we invite you to visit our next showing – a solo exhibition from one of our very talented Campbell Town locals – Sherrie Jewson. Sherrie is creating incredible works of art using textiles and fibre in her exhibition Illuminating Lampshades. Pencil into your diary our Meet the Artist afternoon on Sunday 5th January – 2pm for a 2.30pm start. Scones, refreshments and a Q&A with Sherrie as she guides us through her exhibition.

Ongoing Groups @ Harmony on High Street

Pottery Kiln Firing Service = $8 p/kg @ time of pre-firing
- Bisque (1000*C),
- Earthenware (1180*C)
- Stoneware (1260*C)
Pottery Clay (not air dry) – some ranges will be available from this Wednesday!
Inquire via email: or in store – we’re open every day 9-5pm.

We are an art gallery that loves to support local, national, and international artists!
Campbell Town Art & Craft Group meets every:
1st ,2nd ,3rd Tuesday & 4th Saturday of the month.
Look out for School Holiday Child Friendly Art & Craft Sessions
Clay Play Birthday / Christmas Parties / Functions
For Adults or Children


116 High St, Campbell Town
Open every day 9-5pm
Fine Arts – Gift ware – Activities
Everything is Tasmania made
Except we have a few basic art supplies
The Weaver’s Cottages in Oatlands

Vivienne Crawford unique pieces are walking happily out the door with delighted visitors. Two remain, handwoven with Viv's stunning colours: warms pinafore/tunic, M and twilight jacket, L.
Open 10-4 Thursday to Sunday.
Learn more about @theweaverscottages_oatlands on Facebook
Would you like us to feature your local event?
Our aim is to bring us together and create a monthly inspiring newsletter about our people and area. There is no charge to be shared here. Please send in your details and a clear photo.
Campbell Town Art & Craft Group
Campbell Town, Tasmania Noticeboard
Campbell Town Sales & Information
Ross Neighbourhood News
Fiercely Tasmanian Art group
Monthly Newsletter – send any articles, events, groups, photos etc for Campbell Town, Ross and Surrounds to Lee-Anne Peters
Lee-Anne Peters: |
Ceramics, jewellery, visual arts, spiritual |
Campbell Town |
Sherrie T Jewson: |
Embroidery, visual arts |
Campbell Town |
Jasmine: |
Portrait artist |
Campbell Town |
The Weaver’s Cottages Studio: |
Locally handmade art, clothing and home wares |
104 High St, Oatlands |
Harmony on High Street: |
Gifts, gallery, art hub, Tasmanian artists |
116 High St, Campbell Town
South Esk Art Gallery |
An art gallery supporting local, national, and international artists |
3 Marlborough St, Longford |
Would you like to be added to this list? If so, please forward your details to
Book to these events online here: or instore (9-5pm daily)
