Figuring out the next step
Just a couple of months ago my husband and I sold up, cleared our mortgage and purchased a lovely little property in the Midlands of Tasmania (about 90mins drive from where we lived before).
Our new little house in central Tasmania, 2022.
It's here, we start again from scratch.
With all of the moving, settling and change of lifestyle I have had my ceramics, and general art practices sitting to the side. To set up my ceramics again, for the 3rd time has sounded like a daunting and expensive task - however we knew it would be so when we chose to move.
It's only been recently that I've felt revived again to go down that rebuild / restart path.
I have a great sized garage (6m x 6m) to convert into my Art Studio - and I've wanted to be very thoughtful in what I do want to do with this space moving forward. At this stage I want to continue with ceramics, but also dedicate this studio to my other artworks, and new things that may want to come into my life.
My ceramics dedication is widening to include my visual arts, painting, drawing, jewellery, writing, online events, as well as expanding into offering local workshops, classes and studio open days.
Moving forward with this now will require a little patience as we get quotes, and save funds for three phase electrical works and a general renovation of the garage space.
There is plenty of time....
My next upcoming project is an Artist in Residency (called AiR) in Oatlands Tasmania for the month of August. This is a painting residency, with an opportunity for me to live on site, and paint out of a shopfront - with visitors welcome to meet me, chat, purchase works etc.
There I will be focusing on a new style of painting I've been working on this year, using watered down acrylic paint on plywood. With a similar effect to this painting below:

With LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters