Personal growth

Good morning,
It's all been happening for me this past week - with transport, set up and installation of my first ever major solo exhibition. Throw in there a sculpture commission from a local organisation for a public memorial piece, receiving a 3rd prize for a lamp sculpture I did, and having 3 x separate exhibitions I was apart of on at once.... and that's me right now.
I'm feeling energetic, supported and am basking in the beauty of my finished and on-display works of art.
Back in August I declared that... "I know I am ready for this task, and two things I am keeping in mind during this making stage is to: 1/ make everything well, and 2/ maintain high standards of work. This will mean a better end result, and hopefully no, or minimal mishaps in the kiln."
Now, over 4 months on and I am so pleased I kept these two important things in mind.
The results have spoken for themselves. I look at all of the major works I have done for this exhibition and can't believe it. Just 4+ months ago I had no idea how to make a water feature, an eagle sculpture taller than my kiln's internal height, a totem pole, a bird bath or bird house and so many other things....

Pinch me now....
Personally I have been going through quite a transformation and growth period. Pushing and challenging myself to create in new and huge ways has pushed me personally. Some things have been incredibly scary and fearful, and I wondered if I could figure it out. I wondered many times if something I was making would even work.
There were many times I was up at 3am sculpting - why? Because I was awake, eager and inspired to. There were also many times when I was frustrated and searching hard for a solution to a problem.
I think my biggest challenge during this time has been putting the clay aside (once everything was made) and focusing on logistics like; pricing, photographing, cateloging and then packing everything to take - well there are 153 x pieces in this exhibition and several have multiple parts! This process took a couple of weeks.
The biggest reward is seeing this 4 months of work set up, and on display in situ, and there is not one single piece that I feel ashamed by or unhappy with.
I birthed every single one of these creations from wet clay.... I gave this clay a voice and turned it into something.
I am a changed person since this began, and I truly cannot wait to see where this takes me and what I can birth from here.
Exhibition Details:
- Lee-Anne Peters -
Solo Ceramics Exhibition
At the Raptor Refuge, Kettering, Tasmania
Outdoor, indoor, sculptural, functional. All works themed around Owls and Raptors.
OPENING EVENT: Sat 4 Dec between 1.30pm and 5pm.
Limited places. Online bookings essential. Door tickets into the refuge for this opening event only are AU25 (usually AU160).
Book online here:
CERAMICS WORKSHOPS: Sun 5 Dec. Make a baby owl workshop.
Book online here:
EXHIBITION DURATION: Open to Raptor Refuge visitors until 17 Dec.
ONLINE: LIVE stream of the opening on 4th Dec at 2pm (Sydney time, GMT+11). Live stream on Lee-Anne Peters Facebook page.
- Lee-Anne Peters -
Solo Ceramics Exhibition
At the Raptor Refuge, Kettering, Tasmania
Outdoor, indoor, sculptural, functional. All works themed around Owls and Raptors.
OPENING EVENT: Sat 4 Dec between 1.30pm and 5pm.
Limited places. Online bookings essential. Door tickets into the refuge for this opening event only are AU25 (usually AU160).
Book online here:
CERAMICS WORKSHOPS: Sun 5 Dec. Make a baby owl workshop.
Book online here:
EXHIBITION DURATION: Open to Raptor Refuge visitors until 17 Dec.
ONLINE: LIVE stream of the opening on 4th Dec at 2pm (Sydney time, GMT+11). Live stream on Lee-Anne Peters Facebook page.
You’re amazingly busy Lee-Anne. Such fabulous work with your creativity in full throttle! You inspire me to keep trying and exploring my own abikities. Just wish I had more time to do so. Thank you for brightening all of our days!
Hi Lee-Anne
Will I be able to view this in a video…..would so like to see it.
Love always, you’ve come so far. 😍